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Twenty Something

The Lockdown Blog: Isolation, Day 6


That's from my fingers being too numb to type. Word on the street is that it will reach -8 degrees this weekend. The cycle home from work was arctic explorer level of commute. Reaching Rathgar--I can almost see the front cover now. At one stage I went clean over a patch of ice, after that I decided to take it handy and chiiiillll. Quite literally.

Minding kids today meant more excitement and rough games. I'm not able for them. Whilst preventing Child A from scoring a frisbee point by being a general pain in the a**** (squawking and monkey impressions) I was rewarded with a frisbee in the side of the head. Seeing stars and everything else in between I laughed it off. Child B, god bless him, was heavily advocating for my penalty shot but I wouldn't take it.

I'm a champ, it's true.

Despite not being the most obviously into law and order, these children are huge fans of the sitcom Brooklyn Nine-Nine set in a New York Police department. I have been told in no uncertain terms that I NEED to watch it so that we can "have the chats". Child A also announced proudly that it contains the 'S word'.

Child B: "What's the S word?"

Child A: "sex"

Despite its scandalous content, whether I will in fact watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine tonight hangs in the balance. I have big Friday night plans and I'm not sure it can be accommodated for. I'm hitting the bars. There's one bar in particular called 'The Kitchen Table'--very new wave hipster. I chat to my friends who are on the other side of this like, screen? and I sit with a drink that I get to pour myself. An absolute zoom whatever way you look at it.

xoxo vino rosso

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