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Twenty Something

The Lockdown Blog: Isolation, Day 30

A wet and grey day to begin the first of a new month. Grim, unsolicitous skies not withstanding, it is a lucky day. Why is it a lucky day? Because despite waking up late on my day off and remembering at ten thirty AM "crap, the BINS!!" they were somehow still collected. Silver linings. Or should I say, bin linings?

My wet laundry was finally hung up to 'dry', it now hangs sodden like wet rags on the line--mocking me.

I spent the day scrubbing, glad tidings for the arrival of my new flatmate. My hair was in curlers, the vacuum was on and a cigarette dangled from the corner of my lips. Hint, only one of those statements is true. Conclusion: domestic goddess virtues are not all lost.

A day of spring cleaning for the arrival of the first day of spring. It was also a day of staring blankly at a power point presentation due to be used during a lesson on Saturday. I productively added pretty pictures in between taking compulsive sips of coffee. It is a fact that drinking coffee at a laptop turns any procrastination into work. I read it in a book. I also sourced some six word stories which I hope will add panache to the looming lesson on Flash Fiction. One struck me:

Painfully he changed "is" to "was"

It seems to loom behind me like a dark shadow and joins my wet laundry in silent mocking. My stomach clenches realising that it articulates perfectly what none may admit to. The fear of letting go. The fear of saying goodbye. The fear of living completely in the unfettered present. The fear of cutting ties. The fear that the day is nearly done and you haven't even gone for a run. The fear that your typing of sentences is leading to a denouement that you have not designed. (I also inserted a pretty picture of the dramatic structure and so have 'denouement' imprinted helpfully in my mind)

The fear that the bar of chocolate you eat will soon be one you ate.

The fear that really there is no need to fear at all because as well as 'is' and 'was' there is also 'will'....and tea.

xoxo shtick the kettle on

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